Live interpreters at your fingertips...24/7.

Jeenie interpreters many devices plus business woman


All the languages you need. Including ASL and a wide range of rare and indigenous languages.


24 / 7

Clients aren’t limited by standard office hours. Interpreters are available around the clock.



Match directly to qualified linguists. Our average Time To Interpreter (TTI) is fast. 

The Direct-To-Interpreter Platform

We re-imagined interpreting.
Creating a powerful, virtual communication tool for any industry. 

Optimized for healthcare. Designed for all.
Healthcare, Education, Migration & Refugee, Government, Nonprofits, & more. 


Why 1,000's of clients love Jeenie

Lightning Fast

No operators. No codes. Match directly with qualified interpreters. Welcome to Direct To Interpreter (DTI) speed.


Intuitive Design

Designed with caregivers in mind to be fast, easy to use, and effective in any care setting.


Imagine a hassle-free implementation... That's what you get with our streamlined setup and lightweight platform. 

World-Class Quality

You have high standards. So do we. Get only vetted, experienced, certified interpreters. 

Optimized Video

Get better outcomes with video. We offer 24/7 video interpreting for more languages - with the same per minute rate as audio.

True Flexibility

Use the tools you prefer: Any OS or device (phone, tablet, computer), and add linguists to preferred meeting platforms.


"Exceptional" doesn't have to break the bank. Jeenie is priced to be accessible and affordable. 


Built to Scale

From single practitioners to global organizations, we offer services and features for teams of any size.

Optimized Video

Get better outcomes with video. We offer 24/7 video interpreting on more languages for the same per minute rate as audio.

True Flexibility

Use the tools you prefer:  Any OS or device (phone, tablet, computer), and add linguists to preferred meeting platforms.

Tablet-generic-live hindi interpreter-3ppl-sqr
Angled mobiles jeenie live achi interpreter with doctor-ripple-v3
Laptop-point-business call-african Interpreter-Jeenie-sqr

Pricing & Plans


Starts at

For sporadic interpreting needs - pay only when you use

Subscription: None

Ideal for 0-500 minutes a month


  • Checkmark 100+ languages
  • Checkmark Users: 1
  • Checkmark ASL Interpreters
  • Checkmark On-demand calls
  • Checkmark Email support
  • x circle icon grey Not HIPAA compliant


Starts at

For businesses with moderate interpreting needs

Subscription: $49/mo

Ideal for 500-1,000 minutes a month

  • Checkmark 300+ Languages
  • Checkmark Users: up to 25
  • Checkmark ASL interpreters
  • Checkmark On-demand calls
  • Checkmark Scheduled calls
  • Checkmark TeleJeenie landlines
  • Checkmark HIPAA Certified
  • Checkmark Usage reporting
  • Checkmark Email support
  • Checkmark Admin Resource Center


Starts at

For businesses with regular  interpreting needs

Subscription: $149/mo

Ideal for 1,000-2,000 minutes a month


  • Checkmark 300+ languages
  • Checkmark Users: up to 50
  • Checkmark ASL interpreters
  • Checkmark 24/7 online On-demand calls
  • Checkmark TeleJeenie landlines
  • Checkmark HIPAA Certified
  • Checkmark Usage reporting
  • Checkmark Email support
  • Checkmark Admin Resource Center



For enterprises & healthcare orgs with high usage

Subscription: None

Minimum 2,000 minutes a month

  • Checkmark 300+ languages
  • Checkmark Users: unlimited
  • Checkmark ASL interpreters
  • Checkmark On-demand calls
  • Checkmark Scheduled calls
  • Checkmark TeleJeenie landlines
  • Checkmark HIPAA Certified
  • Checkmark Usage reporting
  • Checkmark Dedicated support
  • Checkmark Admin Resource Center
  • Checkmark Custom fields
Learn More

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  • Connect

  • Plus

  • Premium

  • Enterprise


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Lets Chat
Rates & Pricing
Subscription None $49/month $149/month Custom
Common Languages $1.99/minute $1.49/minute $0.99/minute Custom
Rare Languages $4.99/minute $2.99/minute $2.49/minute Custom
ASL $2.99/minute $1.99/minute $1.49/minute Custom
Same Rate: Video & Audio Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check
Usage & Billing
Recommended for 0-100 min/mo 100-1,000 min/mo 1,000-2,000 min/mo +2,000 min/mo
Billing Type Instant Monthly Monthly In arears
Payment Options Paypal / Credit card Paypal / Credit card Paypal / Credit card Monthly invoice
Call Type
On Demand Calls Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check
Scheduled Calls x circle icon grey Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check
Language Access
Languages 100+ 300+ 300+ 300+
Common Languages On-demand only All All All
Rare Languages On-demand only All All All
ASL  Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check
HIPAA Certified x circle icon grey Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check
Medically Qualified x circle icon grey Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check
User Access
Number of Users 1 Up to 25 Up to 50 Unlimited
User Management x circle icon grey Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check
Mobile App Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check
Web Browser Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check
Conference Calling Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check
TeleJeenie Landline
(upon request)
x circle icon grey Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check
Usage & Analytics
Call History Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check
Usage Report x circle icon grey Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check
Custom Fields x circle icon grey x circle icon grey x circle icon grey Blue-Check
Client Support
Email Support Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check
Admin Resource Center x circle icon grey Blue-Check Blue-Check Blue-Check
Dedicated Account Manager x circle icon grey x circle icon grey x circle icon grey Blue-Check

"Jeenie is the answer to every surgeon’s need. I can use it on my own time. I don’t have to wait for anything - because I can’t!”

“It's fast... and the live video interpreter is key. Jeenie is an incredible tool that enables language concordant healthcare encounters... which is essential to provide equitable and high quality, patient-centered care."

“Now that we have Jeenie, we don't turn away anybody because of language!”

Making An Impact

Best in Business award
Featured in "Techquity" article
10 most innovative companies
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